Sunday, June 1, 2008

HTTP pipeline in ASP.NET 2.0.

Today I will provide you with a short reference for the steps in HTTP pipeline in ASP.NET 2.0. Some of the steps are internal and can't be subscribed by HTTP modules or global.asax:

1. Internal step to validate request. Protects against malicious attacks exploiting path canonicalization
2. Internal step to perform URL mapping (if the URL mapping feature is enabled)
3. Fire BeginRequest event
4. Fire AuthenticateRequest event
5. Fire DefaultAuthentication internal event
6. Fire PostAuthenticateRequest event
7. Fire AuthorizeRequest event
8. Fire PostAuthorizeRequest event
9. Fire ResolveRequestCache event
10. Fire PostResolveRequestCache event
11. Internal step to determine the IHttpHandler to process the current request (this is when the page compilation takes place)
12. Fire PostMapRequestHandler event
13. Fire AcquireRequestState event
14. Fire PostAcquireRequestState event
15. Fire PreRequestHandlerExecute event
16. Internal step to execute the IHttpHandler (call its ProcessRequest method) for the current request. The handler is determined at step #11
17. Fire PostRequestHandlerExecute event
18. Fire ReleaseRequestState event
19. Fire PostReleaseRequestState event
20. Internal step to perform response filtering (only if HttpResponse.Filter is installed)
21. Fire UpdateRequestCache event
22. Fire PostUpdateRequestCache event
23. Fire EndRequest event. This is the only event that is guaranteed to be fired for each request

I've found this info in Dmitryr's blog and took it from another topic, but this info will be valuable also.

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